Uninteresting stuff about Shannon and Family

This is the story of several family members picked to live in a house and blog of their seemingly boring lives.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Support your local Charity.....

I am sending out a plea to everyone who will read this, to support the charity of their choice. On Saturday I will be attending a ball sponsored by my Coven. Robin's Hood Community Center is an organization that helps not only the homeless, but families in need as well. We help Mom's find jobs, children get school supplies, families with nothing get Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, help with groceries, rent, utilities, etc. The best thing of all is at Christmas time, children and parents get to shop at the Magical Mini Mall - all free of charge. Children who had lost the spirit of Christmas no longer care about their own gifts but are overjoyed at the opportunity to have gifts for their parents, grandparents, and siblings. It is so easy to pass that homeless person on the street and mutter to yourself "bum" or "get a job". I hear that a lot. It's hard to get a job when you have no address or phone number to be reached for an interview. Not all homeless people are druggies or drunks. Believe it or not most homeless people drink to survive. Forget even for a moment what life has dealt them. It's amazing when you hear some of their stories, and you realize that these people aren't bums. They are human beings, with feelings, and dreams just like you and me. Statistics show that 62% of American live paycheck to paycheck (I truly believe that this number is a lot higher), and here is the worst statistic of all, out of those 62%, 24% are two weeks away from being homeless. Think about that!! Chances are someone you know is one of those 24%. Would you call them a bum? I beg of you to support your local charity. If you don't have a charity, well search your local area for homeless shelters, animal shelters, battered women's shelters,children's services, sadly every town has all of these.


  • At 6:40 PM, Blogger Susan Gets Native said…

    I just donated, and maybe, since I posted this wonderful paragraph onto MY blog, others will too?


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