Uninteresting stuff about Shannon and Family

This is the story of several family members picked to live in a house and blog of their seemingly boring lives.

Friday, December 02, 2005

More Holiday Cheer....

Is Christmas too commercial? I say HELL YES!!! I had to go to Sam's yesterday, shopping for work and I encountered some of the most insane individuals ever. These people were cutting in line, if you were looking at something they would stop right in front of you!!! I did not hear the words excuse me or I'm sorry all day long. Are people always this rude, or is it just at the holidays? I thought people are supposed to be in a better mood during the holidays. I guess I should explain the reason for my wonder. Earlier this week, on Monday morning to be exact, on my way to work, I encountered a rather bad car accident. A ford probe had hit a semi head on. The police and life squad had not arrived yet. As I got closer to the accident I saw a good samaritan who had stopped, while everyone else just honked and went around, pull a small child out of the car. Mom was trapped and needed serious medical care. I stopped and the child had on no shoes or socks and no coat. My husband and I just returned from a trip to Tucson Arizona, and still had quite a few things left in the back seat of my car. One of them was a fleece pull over that he loves. The gentleman helped me put this on the little girl to help keep her warm. Her face was cut up, she had glass in her hair and was in shock. The little girl will be okay, I am not so sure about her mother. People really need to realize that it takes so much more time and energy to be nasty to each other. That mother who didn't even look as though she should be alive had one word to me. THANKS!! Now in her hurt and desperate state she could mutter that one word, but we as humans can't seem to stop the madness!! Let's all evaluate what is really important this holiday season. Thanks for reading my rant!!


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