Uninteresting stuff about Shannon and Family

This is the story of several family members picked to live in a house and blog of their seemingly boring lives.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Oh how time flies

I have a new dilemma on my hands these days. My son's 9th birthday is next week and I still don't have his gifts yet. You see the problem is that he is my one and only child. My baby, my heart and soul, and he costs ALOT of money. I have spoiled him rotten and now I am out of options. There are only so many batman figures and board games that you can buy. He has a ton of movies, games, etc. He loves to read, but has more books than his little book shelf can handle. Maybe, I should get him a new book shelf. Now there is an idea. Actually, the only reason that I am worried is that I have been noticing over the last couple of years how superficial and materialistic he is. This is not what I want for him. Now I know that most children are possessive and mateialistic, but he is over the top. HE HOARDS EVERYTHING!! Getting him to go through his toys is like pulling teeth. I can suddenly hear my dad's words in the back of my head "if he had a brother or sister he wouldn't be this way". I beg to differ, I think it would be worse. So anyway, the moral of this post is this. This year I am scaling it back. Just a few inexpensive gifts, no elaborate, breaking the bank, over the top gifts. I think it is time to show him that not only am I not made of money, but that it really is the thought that counts and not everything has to be expensive to be enjoyable.


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