Uninteresting stuff about Shannon and Family

This is the story of several family members picked to live in a house and blog of their seemingly boring lives.

Friday, May 18, 2007

It's Finally Over...

Well my freshman year at Xavier has finally come to an end. I finished the year with a 3.08 GPA. Pretty good for someone who works 12 hours a day, and has a family. Yesterday I came home to find that I had won the Scholars Award for my GPA. Pretty exciting stuff. That is the first thing that I have ever won in my entire life, and so I had to do a dance around the living room. I took some harder classes in my second term and still came out unscathed. I have figured out that Utopian literature and History are just not my thing. However, I did manage to get a B in Literature and Moral Imagination and a B- in History II. Now I am looking forward to my Sophomore year. I'll keep you all posted.


  • At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm so very proud of you.
    Love Ya

  • At 7:21 PM, Blogger Susan Gets Native said…

    Holy Cannoli, Shannon got a Scholar's Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are rockin' SO HRAD.


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