Uninteresting stuff about Shannon and Family

This is the story of several family members picked to live in a house and blog of their seemingly boring lives.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The results are in.....

Okay the results are in. My final grades for my last two classes. In Communications I received a B and in Theology an A. So now my GPA is 3.5. I am no where near happy with that, especially because my husband keeps telling me that he had a 3.98 all through college. Whatever over achiever!!


  • At 10:17 PM, Blogger Susan Gets Native said…

    Big deal, Mr. Brown Noser.
    I am so very proud of you. A "B" and an "A" is great.
    Love you and miss you!
    (P.S. be on the lookout for an invite to Belle's parrrr-tay!)

  • At 11:16 AM, Blogger Donna said…

    Did he show you those grades? Did he tell you how much of life he missed out on? When did college become a competition? Just questions to think about.
    Great job, love ya, Mom

  • At 10:17 PM, Blogger Shannon said…

    Mom - he didn't have a life he was in the Army at the time. He didn't get a life until he met me!!

  • At 10:32 PM, Blogger Donna said…

    You are right about not having a life until he met you. I know another "grunt" who didn't have a life until he met you, and me. We are the best two women in his life. Bet his skinny butt is really cold about now. Those bonfires only keep the front of you warm!

  • At 10:46 PM, Blogger Shannon said…

    That is okay he has beer!!


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