8 Weeks Later......
Well my courses are 8 weeks long and I have completed my first 2 classes. I took my final exam in Interpersonal Communications on Saturday and I hope I did well. I won't know my grade until Monday. In my other class which is Theology I received an A+ on my final exam. AWESOME!! My overall grade in Theology is a big fat A!! Who would have though that me, of all people, would get an A in Theology. I really enjoyed that class. Not the reading so much, but the Professor was great and made the information fun. I started my 2 next classes today. Juvenile Justice in a changing society and Philosophy. Two very hard courses at once. I have to read Plato. Me, reading Plato!!! In Juvenile Justice, I have to pick a topic on the Juvenile Justice system and write about what is wrong with the program and a plan to fix it. I think these two classes are going to use all of the healthy brain cells that I have left.
At 8:32 PM,
Susan Gets Native said…
Don't sweat it about Plato...save your energy for Taoism and Descarte.
At 8:04 PM,
Shannon said…
At 9:03 PM,
Susan Gets Native said…
Taoism is an ancient Chinese philospohy and Descartes was the dude who said "I think, therefore I am".
At 11:39 PM,
Pat said…
This is too deep for old auntie pat.way to go niece.I knew you could do anything you wanted to do. I love you auntie pat
At 11:42 PM,
Pat said…
I am proud of you..............Auntie Pat
At 10:48 AM,
Donna said…
I'm proud of you and I KNEW you could do it! Never doubted for a minute. Here's the funny part, I KNEW it in 1991.
Love you, Mom
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